~ Credits ~ First of all, I'd like to thank Nuriko for being so wonderful that I had to dedicate a whole domain to him. ^_^.
A very special thank you to Watase Yuu who created this wonderful anime. I actually got to meet her several times at Animazement in March and she was wonderful! ^_^ Special thanks to her and Studio Pierrot and to Shodouka for producing Fushigi Yuugi.
I'd also like to thank my online and offline friends who put up with my Fushigi Yuugi lifestyle! ^_^. Offline espcecially Makoto who goes with me to all kinds of shops looking for Anime merchandise!
Thanks to Nellie Chiang who let me use her beautiful midi of Perfect World throughout the site.
Thanks to all wonderful people on the net with FY pages. There are a lot of wonderful pages out there. You should go and see them all! ^_^ I guess that is everyone I need to credit or thank. If I overlooked you, gomen!! Tell me and I will correct it!
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