_________________ The 100 Best Scenes of FY # 98

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Nakago's past is revealed.

Scene 98a Scene 98b
Scene 98c Scene 98d

Volume: # 13
Episode: # 52

With his fist (or shall we say arm?) still within Nakago, Tamahome sees flashbacks from Nakago's life. Nakago was a member of the Hin, a minority race that faced major prejudice. The Hin were practically eradicated and in the process, Nakago's mother was sexually assaulted by the soldiers right in front of Nakago's eyes. In shock, Nakago produces a chi blast, killing the soldiers and his mother as well. Being a Seiryuu seishi, Nakago became the last surviving member of the Hin and was brought under the Kutou emperor's power. Since then, Nakago has planned his "revenge on the heavens that made his life hell". Seeing Tamahome's reaction to this, Nakago grabs him by the scalp and tells him that he doesn't want his pity. Nakago then dies.

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