_________________ The 100 Best Scenes of FY # 70

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Tatara and Suzuno are reunited in death.

Scene 70a Scene 70b
Scene 70c Scene 98d

Volume: # 11
Episode: # 43

Like Miaka and Tamahome, Tatara and Suzuno (Byakko no Miko) were in love. However, even though they wished to be together, it was a wish that could not be granted. Suzuno went back to her world and married someone else while Tatara stayed in his world, protecting the Byakko Shinzaho. After being taken out of the Byakko temple (wreaking havoc with his time-displaced body) by the Seiryuu people and fighting to reclaim the Byakko Shinzaho, Tatara's body is not able to handle the stress. Tatara dies the death of a Byakko Seishi. In the meantime, in her world, Suzuno is an old lady on her deathbed. The two lovers die simultaneously. Keisuke, who is by Suzuno's side during her death notices a light outside. Investigating, they see the ghostly image of Tatara standing outside, waiting for someone. They hear someone call out his name, and to their surprise, they see the ghostly figure of Suzuno (during her miko days). The two lovers are then finally reunited in death.

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