Volume: # 3
Episode: # 11
Miaka, figuring out that Yui may have been recruited as Seiryuu no Miko in Kutou, recklessly runs off to Kutou, the enemy kingdom, in hopes of finding Yui. Tamahome follows almost out of sheer worry, backed up by Chichiri. While Yui runs off to get the Suzaku version of the Shijin
Tenchisho scroll (which Miaka dropped and Nakago eventually picked up), Tamahome finds Miaka in the room where she and Yui ran off to hide in. Tamahome rushes to embrace Miaka, upsetting some items on a table near Miaka, including a music box. The music box falls to the floor and
opens, and begins to play a tune. While the two embrace, Yui returns to see the two, but ducks out of view. Unbeknownst to the two lovebirds Yui hears every sentence of their lovey-dovey conversation, and becomes convinced that Miaka only returned to the book world for Tamahome,
not for her. This event fully activates all the brainwashing Nakago has done to Yui since the two first met and marks the beginning of the split between Yui and Miaka.