_________________ The 100 Best Scenes of FY # 63

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The Genbu Seishi command Miaka to strip, resulting in a very interesting reaction from Tamahome.

Scene 63a     Scene 63b
  Scene 63c Scene 63d  
  Scene 63e Scene 63f  
Scene 63g     Scene 63h

Volume: # 9
Episode: # 34

Miaka and her surviving seishi have entered the ice cavern in search of the first Shinzaho. In the cavern, the party is accosted by two of Genbu's Seishi who are practically invincible, being that they have their powers, but they cannot be harmed since they no longer have bodies. To prove that Miaka is indeed Suzaku no Miko/worthy of the Shinzaho the Genbu Seishi decide to test her, commanding her to strip. Miaka, determined to get the Shinzaho, agrees. Of course, Tamahome is very, very shocked.

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