Volume: # 9
Episode: # 33
Earlier, while
trying to save Suzaku no Miko from Ashitare's first attack, Nuriko
drove Ashitare away by firing a flare into his face. Dishonoured,
punished by Nakago for his failure and seeking revenge, Ashitare
returns to his mission, this time having personal motives behind
fighting: to slay the one who wounded him.
Just as he is
about to lift the boulder that was blocking the massive doors leading to Genbu's Cavern, where the sought-after Shinzaho is located,
Nuriko senses some evil chi (energy/life force) behind him. He
turns around and sees the one he wounded earlier, Ashitare. For the
sake of Suzaku no Miko, his friends, and for the safety of
Konan-koku, Nuriko braces himself for battle, elevating his chi,
which becomes evident with how the bracelets given to him by
Taiitsukun turn into gauntlets.
Painfully, Nuriko
discovers that Ashitare's strength is equal to his and that the
wolfman (Ashitare) is agile too. Nuriko decides to attempt a
surprise attack from behind of sorts, taking off his outer coat and
draping it over Ashitare, then leaping over him. Due to the updraft
created by Nuriko's leap, the coat uncovers Ashitare's eyes for a
moment, leaving Nuriko wide open to Ashitare's attack. Nuriko is
impaled by Ashitare's claws. Quickly shaking off the shock and
pain, Nuriko flips over, places Ashitare's neck in a dangerous hold
and snaps it, killing the Seiryuu Seishi.