_________________ The 100 Best Scenes of FY # 45

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Nuriko tries to calm down the enraged Tamahome due to the fact that he's making Miaka feel like the murder of his family, among other things, is all her fault.

Scene 45a  
  Scene 45b

Volume: # 7
Episode: # 27

Suboshi, one of the Seiryuu Shichiseishi, shows himself and admits to the crime of murdering Tamahome's family and claims that it is retribution for his brother's "murder". Enraged, Tamahome attacks Suboshi and it is revealed to Nuriko and Miaka that Tamahome was not left out of Taiitsukun's "gift giving" after the failed summoning: He did not appear to receive anything because what he received was pure power, something that could not have been presented to him so easily the way physical gifts would have been and it's something he could not sell off. Boosted by his rage, his power increases so much that the character on his forehead appears in cursive, his eyes turns totally white, and his hair stands up on end while his entire body glows with energy. As he closes in on Suboshi for the kill, Soi, another of the Seiryuu Shichiseishi, appears and takes Suboshi away. While Tamahome is in his fit of rage, Miaka just stands by, watching and eventually falling to her knees in fear. Nuriko notices this and decides to restrain Tamahome by grabbing him around the waist and yelling to him, reminding him of who he is, that he is a Suzaku Shichiseishi and pointing out to him how his fit of rage is making Miaka feel that the murder of his family, among other things, is all her fault.

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