Dying Wind

By: Ry ^,~

I'm dying.
I know it, I can sense it.
Yet, all I can think about is the wind.

I love it when the wind blows.
I love the way it would blow through my hair and wrap around me like
invisible silk, making me feel freer then anything else.

All I feel now is cold.
And her warm tears streaming down my cheeks.
But are they really hers, or are they mine?

My heart is telling her not to worry, that everything will be fine.
But my mind.....it can't stop thinking about the wind.

I'm not scared to die.
But I wish I didn't have to leave her, and the wind.

If I die it means I will no longer feel the wind blowing through my hair and
wrapping around me like invisible silk, making me feel freer then anything

I'll come back for you.
Will you be waiting?

Or does it mean when I die, you die too?

Please don't die wind.

The End