~ Page Policy ~I am sorry I had to put up a policy page, but nothing else is seeming to work. I have been having a big problem lately with stolen images. Any images taken from this page should not be displayed on other pages without permission and credit. If you ask, I'll probably let you use them. I am distressed to see my images all over other people's Nuriko image galleries. I have been to some pages where just about every image on their page is from here!
Another thing is my doujinshi. I have two new doujin that I had planned to add to the site with this new update but I am not going to add them. Why you ask? Because I have found scans from the original doujin I scanned in Nuriko galleries throughout the net.
Also, if you want to link the site, please feel free to do so! Just grab a banner and upload it to your own site. Don't directly link it! This slows down my site as well as your own. If you use any pictures(after permission is granted) the same thing applies. Download them to your computer and upload them to your own page.
Will I still update? Yes. I am going to try to update at least once a week. I got a bit behind recently due to life, and computer probs. From now on expect the site to have at least a small update each week.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and enjoy the site! ^_^.
Rei Marie Chou aka RyuuenNoAisai ~~ July 15, 2000
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